COA Responds to CMS Physician Fee Schedule

Published On: July 11th, 2024Categories: Latest News

CMS just released the latest Physician Fee Schedule Rule (PFS). COA is conducting an in-depth analysis of the rule and will provide further detail once that is complete.

The PFS will also be a major focus of the next CAN call on August 22 at 2pm ET. If you or other members of your team are not already part of CAN or would like to listen in, please reach out to Shiela Plasencia at

In the meantime, see below for a high-level quote from Ted in response.

Statement from Ted Okon, executive director of the Community Oncology Alliance

Based on a preliminary analysis, the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) has grave concerns with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. CMS proposes, once again, to cut physician payments while increasing outpatient hospital payments per the proposed hospital outpatient rule released yesterday. Furthermore, CMS’ payment policies do not keep pace with the costs of running an independent medical practice, and they further drive medical care into the much more expensive hospital setting. This is costing Medicare beneficiaries more, as well as fueling costs for Medicare and taxpayers supporting the program. If Congress does not act to stop this growing payment imbalance and consolidation into large health systems, medical care will become even more unaffordable than it is today.

COA is analyzing the proposed rules in greater detail and will continue working with Congress to fix this broken and siloed payment system.

COA Responds to CMS Physician Fee Schedule

Published On: July 11th, 2024Categories: Latest News

CMS just released the latest Physician Fee Schedule Rule (PFS). COA is conducting an in-depth analysis of the rule and will provide further detail once that is complete.

The PFS will also be a major focus of the next CAN call on August 22 at 2pm ET. If you or other members of your team are not already part of CAN or would like to listen in, please reach out to Shiela Plasencia at

In the meantime, see below for a high-level quote from Ted in response.

Statement from Ted Okon, executive director of the Community Oncology Alliance

Based on a preliminary analysis, the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) has grave concerns with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. CMS proposes, once again, to cut physician payments while increasing outpatient hospital payments per the proposed hospital outpatient rule released yesterday. Furthermore, CMS’ payment policies do not keep pace with the costs of running an independent medical practice, and they further drive medical care into the much more expensive hospital setting. This is costing Medicare beneficiaries more, as well as fueling costs for Medicare and taxpayers supporting the program. If Congress does not act to stop this growing payment imbalance and consolidation into large health systems, medical care will become even more unaffordable than it is today.

COA is analyzing the proposed rules in greater detail and will continue working with Congress to fix this broken and siloed payment system.